Global News Hub

We are your go-to source for breaking news and insightful journalism from around the world. Stay updated with in-depth coverage and accurate reporting at World Globe Media.


Global Publishing Solutions


Breaking News

Deliver timely updates on current events for global readers.


Editorial Content

Craft engaging articles that captivate diverse audiences worldwide.


Feature Stories

Showcase in-depth narratives highlighting global cultures and issues.


Photography Services

Capture moments around the world through stunning visual storytelling.


Digital Distribution

Reach a broad online audience through advanced distribution strategies.


Custom Publishing

Tailor content solutions to meet the unique needs of our global clients.


Breaking Stories

WGM NEWS, delivering Global NEWS TO YOU from Copenhagen, Denmark. Stay updated with our trustworthy journalism. Explore exciting articles and stay informed on the latest world events brought to you by WORLD GLOBE MEDIA.

Standout Features

Discover the Power of WORLD GLOBE MEDIA

Global Reach

Expand your horizons with WORLD GLOBE MEDIA's global reach, delivering news and information from every corner of the world. Stay informed on international affairs with ease.

Timely Updates

Stay ahead of the curve with WORLD GLOBE MEDIA's timely updates. Access breaking news as it happens, ensuring you are always in the know and up to date.

Diverse Content

Experience a wide range of topics and perspectives with WORLD GLOBE MEDIA's diverse content. From politics to entertainment, our publication caters to all interests and preferences.

Our Team


Henrik Birk


As Editor-in-Chief, we oversee editorial decisions and ensure content quality, maintaining the integrity and voice of WORLD GLOBE MEDIA publications through strategic planning.

Laila Maleki

Head Reporter

As Head Reporters, we lead investigative journalism efforts, covering breaking news stories and delivering insightful reports that captivate and engage WORLD GLOBE MEDIA's audience.

Daniel Bigari

Chief Photographer

As Chief Photographers, we capture compelling visual stories that accompany written content, curating a visually appealing experience for WORLD GLOBE MEDIA readers through our creativity and technical expertise.

Reza Fatehi

Managing Editor

As Managing Editors, we coordinate with writers and editors, ensuring seamless production processes to meet deadlines, maintain accuracy, and uphold the editorial standards of WORLD GLOBE MEDIA.

Zohreh Maleki

Digital Content Manager

As Digital Content Managers, we optimize online content strategy, engage with audiences across digital platforms, and drive growth for WORLD GLOBE MEDIA through innovative and data-driven approaches.


Awards & Accreditations

At World Globe Media, we pride ourselves on our numerous accolades and recognitions for excellence in journalism.

Press Council of World Press Organization

World Press Organization

Recognizes ethical journalism practices worldwide.

Best Investigative Reporting Award

Media Excellence Awards

March 2021

Our team's in-depth investigative work was honored with the Best Investigative Reporting Award at the Media Excellence Awards in March 2021.

Outstanding Editorial Writing Award

Global Journalism Awards

October 2019

Our exceptional editorial writing was acknowledged with the Outstanding Editorial Writing Award at the Global Journalism Awards in October 2019.


Global News Initiatives

Explore our various innovative editorial endeavors spanning diverse topics and regions around the world. From investigative reports to human interest stories, our projects aim to inform, inspire, and engage audiences globally.

Our Global Stories

Worldwide Journalism Network

Breaking News Updates

International Press Releases


Globe Media's Rave Reviews

We love how informative and engaging the articles are. Globe Media always keeps us updated on global affairs in a captivating way. It's our go-to source for reliable news.


As a news junkie, I appreciate the diverse range of topics covered by Globe Media. The quality of reporting is top-notch, and their articles are well-researched and thought-provoking.


Globe Media is simply exceptional. The layout of the newspaper is clean and easy to read. I feel more informed and connected to the world thanks to their insightful reporting.
